Soon we'll be visiting our favourite secret secluded holiday spot for a good rest and refresh. I wrote this last time we had the pleasure of staying there.
One afternoon I half jogged, half walked, down to the beach to see the final stages of sunset, just a few moments before dinner was needed to be put on and Simeon to be fed. Mark had just rushed back from the beach to give me the opportunity to see the sunset and have a quick breather.
As I came over the sand dune I saw a rainbow over the expanse of the ocean, and another part rainbow on top of it. I could see all the colours, purple, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, lilac. It was as if the rainbow were singing over that beach and landing in the trees near the rocks at the end of the beach.
As I gazed at the rainbow and the waves glistening in the light of the sunset, washing up on the shore and washing over footprints and disheveled sand, smoothing away the traffic of the day, I think of God's promise to never flood us away again. The rainbow, the message of the cross, that He won't flood us away, that He washes our sins away and won't hold them against us.
A couple walks past me, have they seen the rainbow? Are they walking by enjoying their walk but oblivious to the amazing beauty set before them? Although it feels like this experience is just for me, it's available to all of us on the beach that day.
Just before I turn to go back I spot something in the waves. Could it be? Then on the next wave I see the dark shadows diving through the waves, their fins exposed just above the surface. Dolphins diving and spinning and turning. Diving over the waves and then riding them up the beach. I watch as they dive over and over through the waves on their journey from one end of the beach to the other, flipping over on their tummies, enjoying the last warm rays of the sun, dancing under the rainbow. A whole family of dolphins swimming together, enjoying creation together.
The couple are now almost to the end of the beach, they've missed this beautiful sight. I want to call out to them, but it's too far to call, and instead I just stand there in awe of
His creation, filled with joy while caught in this moment.
The family of dolphins are disappearing from view and I turn to catch the fading pinks and hues of purple. As I turn to walk back a tiny bird hops across my path wagging it's little blue tail.
He has given us this beautiful life and tied it up with a bow, a promise of forgiveness and grace and eternity, if I only we stop and receive it, it's available for us.
As the darkness deepens, I see the lights of the house glowing up the road, calling me home. My pace quickens as I think of my family waiting for me, their beaming smiles, the giggles, the tight squeezes, and I'm filled with joy to meet them and tell them what an amazing sunset I've seen.
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