Thursday, February 11, 2010

the beginning

This blog is about bringing the reality of changing the world into our families. Its a journey of our family and our dream to change the world and to bring that dream to life for our kids. I hope that you follow along, join in, bring ideas and that together us 'supermums' raise a generation of creative, daring, adventurous, compassionate world changing kids!
I don't know about you - but as a little girl I wanted to change the world, and I was brought up to think that I actually could, that anything was possible. The problem with growing up is that when you get old enough to actually be able to do something, you don't think you can anymore, or it all seems so complicated, where do you start?
I want my children to know that they can change the world... everyday, that life is more than just about themselves, that life is exciting, an adventure, one world-changing day after another. I dream of seeing the world a different place by the end of my lifetime, and especially by the end of their lives. I want to see them living with hope and abandonment to dreaming and stepping out in faith to see those dreams become a reality.
So how does your family become a world changing family?
... well, actually I don't know...! But here is our journey (each day - I'm going to try!) to becoming a world changing family.
So here I am 2:30am in the morning (procrastination always comes back to kick you at unreasonable hours), glass of soy milk in hand (32 weeks pregnant, indigestion, can't sleep... ohhh), feet up high in the seat (having recently acquired a cute little mouse friend, and my wonderful husband not having brought home the very mouse friendly trap - actually she's very cute, probably building a lovely little nest for her babies!!), starting our blog on being a world changing supermum.... mmm ... gosh, I just re-read my paragraph.... did I tell you we're going to change the world?!
.... so a few quick thoughts to start ....
Here are some great mums who have inspired me - well the first mention would have to be to Mother Theresa. I remember in primary school a little milk container going around the class with a picture of Mother Theresa on it, and we would all give our change to the milk container to help the poor. I remember thinking that I wanted to be like her. I wanted to be a nun, live with poor people, help poor people and give my life for others (on other days I wanted to be a princess, an astronaut or the first female prime minister).
And of course, the best mum in the world, always inspired me when I was a kid, to be creative and to learn. She introduced me to the paint brush, the giant encyclopedia, the world atlas and the dictionary, and would often sit with us at night helping us to research our assignments and find out all about the world. She showed us photos of when she went to Papua New Guinea as a young woman, posing with semi-naked people and she inspired me to want to be an adventurer, to be inquisitive and to be interested in the world outside of myself.

So supermum world changing idea for the day...
Idea #1 Be inspired.

Well, off to bed, baby number 3 needs his sleep.

Luv Sarah

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