Friday, January 21, 2011

Grace and Truth

Mark just went back to work today. It's funny how in the holidays, most days, I can be pretty relaxed about housework - it doesn't matter if there are piles of clothes to be folded, a few toys lying around, washing up to be done, we seem to be able to take a bit of a relaxed view to life. But as soon as Mark goes back to work, this bizarre thought comes into my head that by the time he walks in the door again, everything must be picture perfect. Maybe its to show that I did something today, and because I want some praise, or to show that haven't been completely lazy while he was working so hard, or because I need to feel that I'm doing something valuable with my day. 

Or maybe its from reading some 1950's housewife book about making sure children are bathed and dressed for bed, dinner is cooked, and all the housework is done by the time your husband walks in the door. And to make sure you take some time to hear about your husband's day, don't bother him with the boring details of yours, while your children play silently in another room.
I had such a laugh when I watched Mary Poppins recently to hear Mr Banks singing his 'on the way home from work' song:
The Life I lead - Mr Banks
(have a look at this youtube link)

This is one of my favourite parts:
"It's 6:03 and the heirs to my dominion
Are scrubbed and tubbed and adequately fed
And so I'll pat them on the head
And send them off to bed
Ah! Lordly is the life I lead!"

Anyway, whatever that feeling is and wherever it comes from, I've squashed it on the head, and going to continue in our holiday mode for today.

I really feel to focus my blog this year on 'grace & truth' for the supermum. There are so many lies we believe and expectations we feel we need to live up to (our own and others), many things to feel guilty or inadequate about - but to all of that there is the truth of God's word - tried and tested ancient proverbs, that bring grace and truth to every aspect of life. That's the domain that I want to live in. 

I'd love for you to come along for the journey as I explore some of the lies we mums come up against, and as I find some grace and truth for those. But mostly I'm doing this blog for me, because it's a journey I need to go on this year.

Grace and truth to you,


  1. i am like that too sarah!

    i especially get all busy around the house right before i know pete is coming home.

    oh ~ spent today spring cleaning after being inspired by your waste not blog posts. now i have half a room full of toys/books/games/puzzles, etc to pass on. plus a big bin that's full up. i'm hammered!

