I've just been sitting here typing up a bunch of lunch orders into a spreadsheet for the missions week canteen at Mark's school.
It probably seems like such a small thing for kids to order pizza, hot dogs and sausage sandwiches to raise money for missions. If they order lunch every day that week, its only $20. But altogether so far, its adding up to a few thousand dollars, with still more orders to come in!
Each year group in the school has a different project to raise money for. Last year they did all sorts of creative things to raise money - crazy hair days, selling cans and junk food, collecting spare coins. I love that the kids can engage in something, and feel like they are doing something together - not just learning about the world, but actually giving their creativity and time too.
Last year the school kids raised over $12,000 for a slum transformation project in India; Mercy Homes in Mumbai - rescuing trafficked women from sex-slavery; orphanages; church planting; and lots of other projects.
But its not about the money, or the projects, but that the kids were actively engaged in changing someone's world. I'm pretty proud that our boy's first kindy lunch order is going to be helping feed or educate kids across the world. I love being able to teach him about why we give, that he knows he is helping another child across the world to go to school or that he is helping to feed their family this week. To us its just a small thing, but I'm sure it's not to them.
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