(From Wikipedia) "Keeping up with the Joneses" is an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one's neighbor as a benchmark for social caste or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.
Two people are sitting on my lounge, one of them is Mrs Jones and the other is my best friend.
Mrs Jones says, in a posh British accent, 'these walls are ghastly! bright yellow walls! who ever heard of a thing? You really need to redecorate with neutral subtle tones. Have you swept these floors lately? You must clean up those toys, you can't just leave everything lying around. When will you be finished these renovations? This house looks positively trashy!' And on and on she goes, noting every flaw, every possible improvement to my home.
My best friend smiles and says, 'thank you for inviting me to your home. I love sitting here having a chat with you. Don't worry about your house, whether you have enough, or where you are going to get it from. I know everything that you need, its already sorted, I'm taking care of you.'
Mrs Jones butts in, 'have you even brushed your hair today? You look a mess! What will people think?'.
My besty always know what to say, 'who cares what people think? I think you are radiant and beautiful! And I'm not even talking about your outward appearance, I can see right into your heart.'
'But what are you doing with your life?', interrupts Mrs Jones, 'and what do you have to show for yourself? What have you achieved? What are you planning to do next? What about when the kids go to school, what will you do then?'
'You are doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. Hang out with me, and I will take care of you. You are my pride and joy. I love the way you love me and the way you love our family. Don't listen to her. I will show you a more wonderful way to do life. I love you just the way you are.'
I say, 'thank you Jesus, I needed to hear that.'
'Its my pleasure Mrs Jones,' he says.