Saturday, February 19, 2011

baby caught drink driving

Random Fact: In 2003 a woman was arrested for breast-feeding... while driving!
Crazy! But it just goes to show the lengths us mums will go to to keep everyone happy and to get there on time. 
Sometimes life with little kids is crazy crazy crazy! You just get one down to sleep, you'd love to have a rest, but you'll just do that little bit of washing up first, you're about to lie down when the other one needs some help in the bathroom, then the first one has woken up early from their nap screaming. The chance for mummy to rest is gone and on with the rest of the day.
This morning I woke up feeling shocking, with a bit of a cold and muscles aching all over. Mark was kind enough to do all the housework and take the kids to the park so I could get a rest, seriously! What a man!
It hasn't taken him too long to learn that if mummy ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, and that giving me a rest is really going to be a blessing, not just to me, but to the rest of the family too.
Mums are truly the heart of the family. We bring the warmth, the love, the energy, creativity, joy and vision. If we are running like a machine, we get worn out, tired and cranky - you know how it is.
Its funny how spilt milk, crying babies and fighting siblings, can seem like I walk in the park when I'm feeling refreshed and full of energy. Mum clicks her fingers like Mary Poppins and everyone hops into line. On other days, Mum's mood spills over onto the whole family, everyone's in tears,walking on eggshells and looking for a place to hide.
I've really only learnt recently how important it is for me to have rest and time out, in a variety of ways, to keep my heart in a good and healthy place. Sometimes it takes asking for help from someone to mind the kids so that you can get some time for yourself, and also taking any help that gets offered.
def. output: "the energy, power, or work produced by a system or device."
def. input: "the power or energy supplied to a machine."
Where is your power coming from?
Here are some of the things I do to refresh my heart, body and mind.

Go for a walk in the crisp morning air
Have a bubble bath when all the kids are in bed
Spend time on the deck reading my Bible and praying
Reading a good book
Having a coffee & dessert with good friends, without the kids
Going on a date with my hubby
Having a home date at least once a week, if we can't get out, cooking a yummy dinner for two after the kids are in bed
Watch some comedy with my hubby
Play musical instruments
Write my blog
Get a massage
Go window shopping in a cute country/mountain town
Have friends over for dinner
Go to a concert/movie/show

Once I'd realised that my life was being consumed with kids and housework, it took me a while to realise the things that I'd really like to do. What do you like to do to get refreshed?

Friday, February 4, 2011

good mum bad mum

I just thought I'd let you know that the whole 'supermum world changer' title of the blog is a bit of irony. If you hadn't already figured it out, I don't in anyway think that I'm a supermum, just an ordinary mum, and I'm much more of a nappy changer than a world changer.
I think when I started the blog, I wanted to go on a journey of discovery in how to juggle the many desires of being a great mum and the balance of achieving something monumental with your life with your family - that is outward focused, not just inward focused on the family. In saying that, yes, being a mum is the most important job you can ever do, but in me there is a desire to do something more than just being a mum, and also leading my kids to do things that are others focused.
However, having this idol of the supermum world changer in my mind has often made me feel like I'm not quite making it. I could make a huge list in my head of all the ways I've failed - that I've yelled, or said something not nice, or I've been too cranky or too tired, or encouraged too much fun and games til somebody got hurt!
But rarely have I made up a list of the things I've done well, or the many ways that I have loved the kids today.
Every time one of the gorgeous ones hasn't been behaving so well, we've thought about what we could have done better, or the millions of possible things I've said or done or haven't said or done to cause this behaviour. Maybe you've never asked yourself if you're doing a good job, 'am I a good mum?', but I have on more than one occasion.
Mark and I started to joke, whenever the kids did something so amazing and cute and beautiful or kind or loving, that they must have good parents - we must be doing something right! Afterall, if you can accept the blame, then you can take the credit too!
In the end, kids are kids, you didn't put the foolishness in them, but you have many opportunities to train it out of them.
There are so many ways that us mums show our kids that we love them everyday - and that's the truth - and something worth thinking about. That list is worth celebrating. And the naughty mum list - well thank Jesus for His grace!
I know it sounds silly, but maybe you could think about or even write down all the ways in the past 24 hours that you've shown your kids and hubby that you love them. I'm sure you could fill a few pages. I did this today, and filled a page! I didn't do it so I could boast, but so that I could realise the truth and throw that other list in my mind away. 

.... here's some examples to get you started...

- I woke up earlier than I would have liked to, to pack school bags
- gave cuddles and kisses
- said 'I love you'
- made lunches
- drove to school
- carried bags for them!
- spoke encouragement to hunky husband (even saying 'have a good day!' passes)
- prayed for them
- laughed at their jokes
- said 'wow' lots of times (even though I might not have been listening... shhh)
- said 'aren't you a good boy!'
- didn't go completely nuts and mental when someone didn't move fast enough
- made pretty pigtails with red ribbons
- said 'you're soooo beautiful!'

... well, I think you get the picture ... enjoy making your list. Let me know how it goes:)

Sar x

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

navigating follies

I bought myself one of those flicky women's calendar things that have a new verse for each day. I have it sitting next to the stove top and meditate on the day's verse while I'm cooking .... and its aqua, so it matches my aqua splashback ... which is refreshing to me. Yesterday, I really meditated on the verse for the day, and put it into action.

Do you ever worry if your kids are going to turn out ok? Maybe some unnoticed impatience on your part scars them for life? But this verse really encouraged me about something to protect us ...

Proverbs 4:6-7
'Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you.

Love her, and she will guard you.
Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!
And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.'

This verse was so pertinent, because just the day before I had judged incorrectly. Somebody had lied and wasn't giving in. It's just that it was a new skill for one of the kids, so I naturally assumed it was the other one!

It all ended well in the end,.. for me at least:)

When this sort of thing happens it always makes me think of the story about Solomon and the two mums who both had babies. One accidently rolled on her baby in the night and it died. Then she swapped the babies. The women argued about who the babies belonged to, and came before King Solomon. In his wisdom, he asked for a sword to be brought so that he could cut the baby in two - causing the real mum to beg for its life and to relinquish the baby to the other woman. Then he knew who the real mum was, and gave the baby to her.

Sometimes we need so much wisdom and good judgement to navigate the follies of our children. All it takes is stepping back for a moment, as long as you need, and asking God for wisdom. He doesn't hold back wisdom if we ask. We just need to take the time to listen.

James 1:5 'If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.'