Are you having Masterchef withdrawals? I am. Every night at 7:30 I sit down on my comfy lounge with a big sigh of relief, the kids are in bed, my toasty heater is on, my best friend snuggled up beside me. After a hard day at work, I’m now ready to be entertained!
When Gary and George don’t bounce up on my screen, my feet begin to jitter, my stomach rumbles, my left eye twitches, and I found myself furiously searching the pantry, as if it were some gigantic mystery box calling on me to make an amazing three course dessert. Sugar – check, butter – check, cocoa – check. Three ingredients you can make anything with!
Who will be the winner tonight? My stomach or my hips?! …if only I had some cream….
Sorry… I completely forgot what my point was, I had to duck into the kitchen for a piece of last night’s mud cake, warmed in the microwave with a quenelle of ice-cream on top (formerly known as a 'scoop' of ice-cream). I know its only 10am, but don’t judge me! I am a very busy and important mum of 3 who needs her vitamins!
Which brings me back to my point about how being a supermum is just like being on masterchef.
Most days you are served up the Mystery Box. What is under the lid today? Placed before you is a mix of teething baby, 5 year old birthday party, toddler peed on the floor, clothes on the line got rained on, mangos, and a zit on your nose …. Can you make a masterpiece? Will you be today's winner?
On other days you have, my favourite, an invention test – ‘its Saturday, you’re a family of 5, the theme is “fun!”. Can you make some “fun” today?’ I’m sure whatever you think of will be great. You can never add enough sugar!
Then you have your team challenge days, where its tag at the car, while you juggle groceries, meetings, going to the gym, picking up kids, dropping off babies, stopping arguments, cooking dinner, baths, reading books and finish just in time to collapse into bed.
There are some days where it’s all you can do to keep from being eliminated! Ever been surrounded by judges in the biscuit aisle with a screaming toddler wrestling your leg and you just want to melt into the floor?
While life is throwing at you every kind of challenge imaginable, somehow making it through all this is a beautiful little life in your hands, shining brightly with joy and love and giggles.
A mother’s love gently molds the soul, warms the edges, sweetens the bitterness, stirs out the lumps and sugar-coats the cracks, hides from judging eyes, tasting along the way to add a little salt, or cook a little longer, using every last drop of patience, step by step turning some raw ingredients into a rich, smooth, tasty, interesting, beautiful and delicious life.