Return of the supermum blogger!!
Sometimes the biggest things in life are the smallest things - like babies. They are so tiny and little, but the biggest thing in your world! Or in my case, huge babies, but really so little and fragile and still need to be handled with utmost care - as my 3 year old little mummy is trying to learn!
The other day I shot a glance at Max Lucado's "Cure for the common life" (in between answering questions from toddlers, breaking up disputes, baby's tears, and reaching for the toilet paper!) He had written that the answer to your call in life is finding your 'uniqueness'. What are your individual skills, your unique gifts and talents, what do you love, what do you hate, what do you find riveting and intriguing? - your 'uniqueness' - there lies the secret to your calling, your destiny, and ultimately your unique way to change the world.
Today my wonderful husband said something to me. He said that this year is going to be really special for me and Zoe (the year before she goes to prep school, this year that I have her with me all the time). "This year she is learning how to be a mummy."
All the small, seemingly insignificant things that I am doing - changing nappies, cooking cupcakes, cleaning up, smiling, singing, reading, praying together, showing her how to be gentle, teaching her about babies, wiping bottoms, hanging out clothes, resting, watching tv, playing, driving, picking up kids, toys, junk and cuddling - are brought into focus and suddenly seem so much more meaningful. I realise again that I am training my little girl into being a precious woman of God, a great wife, a wonderful mother and a caring friend.
Although I am constantly reinforcing the boundaries - don't touch his head, don't pull his head while cuddling, don't touch him while he's sleeping, he doesn't want to play with that sharp object right now - I do see so much love in her for her brothers, constantly talking about how much she loves them, wants to be with them, wants to cuddle them, always looking for ways to help them and be included in whatever they are doing. She already seems to know exactly what a mother does, wanting to bath her baby brother, change his nappy, kiss him and cuddle him. The other day she squealed with delight that she was helping me put clothes in the washing machine!
No matter how small changing a nappy seems, right in that moment I'm changing two little ones' worlds. And in actual fact, even though it is sometimes tiring and repetitive and messy - for some reason, I really love it, I even love the newborn baby poo smell! So there is my uniqueness and calling in life. What a wonderful thing to be a mum:)