Last week my son took a sudden interest in helping me fold clothes. I don't know if he felt sorry for me never finishing folding the piles of washing, or if he just discovered that he could fold things up and put them away. But he actually wants to have the job of folding up clothes - even all of them!! I can send him over to your place when he's finished this week's 6 or 7 baskets full!! :)
But when he was asking me the other day about kids in slavery, we thought that this would be a great way for him to start to help. While helping us with the housework, he can earn some money to give to people in need.
I don't just want him to give money without first understanding the value of it. So to start with he'll be getting a small amount of money for helping fold a basket each week. Then each month he can give that money at church especially for helping kids out of slavery.
After the last blog someone asked what I actually said to him. I don't exactly remember, it was a bit late at night. Basically we just told him that in other countries some kids aren't treated very well and are made to work really hard and don't get paid any money for their work and aren't looked after very well. Maybe they are made to dig for diamonds or to pick coffee beans. Of course there are a lot worse things, but he doesn't need to know yet.